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Violent assault, torture and rape

22,432 Views41 Favorites23 Jan 2021


Thank you for the comment! It will be posted soon.


10 May 2023
@Wha_Wha_Wha it really is a nice scene, yeah


30 Apr 2021
@Sado_57 That kick in the face was the coup de grace of the scene. It's not enough to defile her ass. Leave her destroyed and disfigured for life, if she lives at all. That's the horror element.


28 Jan 2021
@Mariemm I'm responding to both of your replies and yes, I agree with your summary of the film. It's not on my selves and there would need to be a good reason to watch it again.
I think I understand what you mean about the real person and I believe there was much debate as to her mental state, including possible schizophrenia! So much so that there were 12 years between her arrest and final execution by lethal injection in 2002.


26 Jan 2021
Ah, Charlize Theron's "baldie" winning performance in "Monster" (2003). Personally, I can't say that it's a great film but you have selected the pivotal scene. A nice find.
Did you watch any of the various documentaries and interviews with Aileen Wuornos?